Thursday, October 14, 2010

paint, drumming and behavior changing

Last week I traveled down south to the town of Punta Gorda with my counterpart to take part in a Peace Corps workshop. It was called “design for behavior change”. It was amazing. We came up with behavior we wanted to change and than made plans of just how we are going to try to change them in the next 2 years. Wayne and I came up with three different behaviors we are going to work on in the next three years.
1) Half of our teacher live in Hopkins and half live in Dangrgia and we want to unite the staff and get all the teachers working together. We are going to work on this by having a retreat and doing weekly staff meetings where I’ll do some team building! Camp pays off again!! So excited for this!
2) We are going to try in the next two year to get 80% of out students reading at grade level. Right now we are at about 60%ish. We are going to do this by pull out reading groups and afterschool programs. This week I’m starting to stay after Tuesdays and thuresday with the two standard 4 teachers to work with about 5 kids from each class on their reading. I’m also starting some sort of reading program that I’m not exactly sure what will look like yet.
3) We are going to try to educate the community on the importanace of education. According to many members of the community that I have spoken with education has never been viewed as very important in the village and we want to change this. We want parents on our side. My counterpart and I are going to work on this as well as another man in the village that I meet this weekend. I’m not entirely sure exactly what we are going to do yet for this but I’m starting to meet with people this week!
So at the end fo the day I think those are the main projects for the next 2 years. There are a few side things I’m also working on, such as on Fridays there is a teacher in the village that home schools 10 kids and we meet and are going to fix up the library and catalog it and hopfully get it running on its own again. Currently there is no one there to work so it sits closed all day. hopefully we can change this soon!
Other than loving coming up with what are going to do for the next 2 years I also enjoyed having a chance to get to know my counterpart better. He is a great guy and possiably the busiest human I have ever met. He is always on the go but has a great heart and you can tell he loves those kids and wants what is best for them. I really enjoy working with him and I’m excited to see how I can help!
I was at the workshop Mon to wed and than spend thuresday and Friday back at school. I love going to school! I’m getting alone with a few of the teachers really well and its nice to have people to joke around with and talk about real things. I’m finding myself staying at school until 5:30 or 6:00 chatting and just hanging out. It’s nice!!
On the non-school front… my roommate is gone!!! She moved back the states last week! I finally have a house to myself and let me tell you its amazing!!! I didn’t realize just how uncomfortable I felt in my own house!! This past weekend two volunteers from up north came down and helped me paint and fix up my house! Actually we had a painting party! My neighbor Derrick somehow got roped into helping than one of my student Ryan stopped by and wanted to help. He is 8ish? And was a great help! He painted my closet and helped me with my selves! Such a sweet kid! It was fun and now my house looks so good! It’s now very much me and I couldn’t ask for more!
Saturday night, after all the hard work was done we headed down to the drumming center. Drumming is huge part of the Garifunia culture and right down the street is the drumming center. I can usually hear the drumming from my veranda at night. Well we headed down and watched them drum and did a little dancing. It was great and I think this weekend I finally realized just how many people I know and know me! I might have already said this but it amazes me more and more everyday how many people I already know and how welcoming me into the community they are!

*pictures of the painting will follow hopfully tomorrow!


  1. Love! Love! Love! seeing all the pictures!! Your house looks so fun with those colors. It was nice to see a picture of you too and you look GREAT!!!! Sounds like you have come up with some great plans for your school. Keep up the good work! Love you much and I am so very proud of you! Mom XOXO

  2. Hi Kim, we were so glad to get the pictures and I posted a comment but guess it didn't go through. You look great! I enjoyed your blog you wrote the other day too. Your school looks really nice and what a view. Ryan is a cutie for sure. As always we sent lots of love and miss you. Grandma and Grandpa
